Ethiopia Habitat Build Site 2

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 2014. Build site number two was a four unit toilet. This site was handled by the “B” team so I have fewer photos of their progress because I was working on the other sites. The pit had been excavated and the forms for the concrete floor slab were in place so the initial work was installing the rebar and pouring the floor slab. This site progressed further than the other two sites as they were able to pour the lintels on the tenth course of block.
Rebar work done and ready to mix concrete
Rebar work done and ready to mix concrete
Build site number two
Moving out the dirt
The “B” Team
Moving out the dirt
Laying the second course of blocks
Day three and good progress on building the walls
Day six and the corner posts are done and the lintels are being poured
Working on the lintels
The last day. Habitat Ethiopia told us that previous teams had only made it to the 5th course of blocks in the same number of days which meant that the “B” team…
A local watching the work